Morganite is a type of gemstone, and it’s found in many countries around the world. It’s most well-known for its blue color, which makes it an excellent gem for jewelry making. That said, you might be wondering if morganite is real or not: after all, the stones look so beautiful but are they real?
Test Thermal Conductivity
Thermal conductivity is the ability of a material to conduct heat energy. It’s measured in units of watts per meter squared (W/m2).
The ideal thermal conductivity for a gemstone should be higher than 1,000 W/m2 and lower than 10,000 W/m2. The minimum acceptable value is 100 W/m2.
Test The Stone’s Hardness
- Use a jeweler’s loupe to inspect the stone.
- Test the stone using a diamond gauge and file, available at many jewelry stores.
- If you have access to a diamond tester (also called an “indicator”), test it on your morganite by placing it in contact with one side of your gemstone and seeing how much pressure you need to apply before it cracks or breaks into pieces.
Test For Double Refraction
If you have a morganite stone, it is most likely real. However, there are some instances where a double refractive stone can be fake. To tell if your morganite is real or fake, you will need to look at it in different light conditions and compare the color of your stone with its surroundings.
Suppose you have a morganite that has double refraction (which means that when viewed through different types of media). In that case, it should show as greenish blue/violet in all sorts of light sources, such as fluorescent lights or incandescent bulbs—even sunlight! This color change indicates that what was once considered an imitation gemstone has been found!
Test For Single Refraction
To determine whether a morganite gem is real, you’ll need to test for single and double refraction. Single refraction refers to the fact that light travels through an object at different speeds depending on its angle of incidence. Double refraction occurs when an object has two other indices of refraction—for example, blue glass has a higher index of refraction than yellow glass.
If your stone doesn’t exhibit either of these characteristics (and therefore cannot be considered a true morganite), it’s not worth paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars!
Test for clarity
If you’re having trouble telling if a stone is real, try holding it to the light. If you can see individual grains of morganite in the stone, it’s most likely not real. This is because only stones mined at high temperatures would contain so many impurities and are visible under magnification.
Suppose your morganite has no translucence. In that case, this could be an untreated gemstone from a country where gemstones are less expensive than diamonds but still beautiful and valuable nonetheless!
If you’re looking to purchase morganite, it’s essential to ensure you get a real and authentic piece. There are a few ways to tell if morganite is real, and at Nazar’s & co. Jewelers, we’re experts in identifying genuine stones. With our help, you can be confident that the morganite you purchase is the real deal. Contact us for a consultation today!
I want to know if I have a real morganite and if it was worth $500 and is it cut well.
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